Sunday, August 31, 2008

Week One

Well, we have been in Bangkok for just over a week now.
I'm not sure how long I can blame this "deer in the headlights look" on jet lag,but for now,that's my story and I'm sticking to it!
After our unexpected overnight delays in both San Francisco and Tokyo, we arrived in Bangkok with our six over weight suitcases in tow. Mike met us at the airport and was invaluable in helping us from the start.

Our temporary housing situation is less than desirable... and has served as our motivation to find something newer and nicer... as soon as possible. We are working with two real estate agents...and have a couple of good options to choose from.

Caitlin has completed her first week of school at The International School of Bangkok. It appears that she will be able to compensate for the 12 days of school that she missed before we arrived. She has already met a couple of nice Christian things seem to be headed in the right direction.

In an attempt to find a church where we can worship and serve, we will visit each of the 4 English speaking Evangelical churches in the Bangkok area. Last week we attended the Anglican church with Melinda... and today we attended The Evangelical Church of Bangkok with Mike and Charlene. While at ECB this morning we actually met a man from working for Chevron in Bangkok.

I attended our BSF Class workshop on Saturday... and am looking forward to the start of the new class year on September 9th. Gary and Mike will host the first men's prayer group meeting on September 15th.

The political situation here in Bangkok has taken an unexpected turn. What started out(five days ago)as a peaceful demonstration...has turned out bigger than expected and has included the demonstrators taking over several government buildings.We get our information by watching CNN or by reading the Bangkok Post(English Edition)but have not seen any of it first hand.

Thank you for your prayers and encouraging words...they are both important to us!


Saturday, August 23, 2008

Just arrived in Bangkok!

Well, where do I start since I last wrote you from Greece back in June? Our lives have been a whirlwind of activity since we got back to the States. Besides planning for Erica's wedding (Aug 16) we also had to get ready for our next assignment with BSF in Bangkok, Thailand.

Well, that's all behind us now and we are currently in Bangkok as I write. We've spent our first night in our "temporary" apartment. I say temporary with an emphasis since the apartment really is less than desirable. It will certainly motivate us to find a more permanent solution quickly. The bad news is we had to pay 1 months rent upfront, but I pray we'll have something before the month is up.
"an empossing Thai statue in the Bangkok airport"

Our trip to Bangkok was filled with a few twists and turns. As it turned out, we finally arrived in Thailand on Friday afternoon rather than the scheduled Wednesday night. It's amazing how just one event changed all of the following dominoes falling.

We spent 24 hours in San Francisco after missing our flight to Tokyo. Do you know what a terrible feeling it is to run up to the departure gate (after doing an "OJ Simpson" run through the airport and security) just to see our plane pulling away from the gate? I'd have to say we didn't handle this situation very well.

Our flight was delayed out of Chicago for 2 hours due to fog in SF. Anyway, we made the best of the situation and stayed in a nice hotel near the airport (the Westin) and then we took the BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) down to Wharf where we had a nice meal. Claudia had a hamburger (of course no fish for her), I had Salmon and Caitlin ate the crab enchiladas (sounds strange but they were really good!). On our way back to the hotel, we took the trolley to the nearest BART and then had a good night in the hotel watching some of the Olympics.SF trolley down by the Wharf
Cailtin and I enjoying our ride on the trolley with our new pull-overs. It's cold in SF when the sun goes down.
Claudia & Caitlin in front of the Westin (San Francisco) before we left for Tokyo.

Just when we thought we were back on track heading to Tokyo/Bangkok, the flight to Tokyo went smoothly (10 hours and 15 minutes). However, the next flight (which was scheduled 2 hours leave after our arrival), was canceled due to mechanical problems. Definitely not good...not when we were trying to get to Bangkok as soon after the wedding to enroll Caitlin into school. Now it appears that she'll miss Thursday and Friday as well. So, off to another hotel...this time in Tokyo. United Air did provide for our transportation to and from the hotel and scheduled us to Bangkok the following day at 11 am on Thai Air. Tokyo hotel; Claudia & Caitlin in their Japanese robes provided by the hotel

Right now, we're just trying to get acclimated to our new situation. It looks like Caitlin will indeed be in school on Monday. And, we will begin earnestly looking for a new apartment.

Pray for our smooth transition to this new culture.
pray for Caitlin to somehow make up for lost time in school (she's 12 days behind).
pray we will locate the place/apartment God has for us quickly.

This is another step of faith that God has chosen for us. Will write more later.

love and blessings
