Well, as it turned out I did enroll in Greek Level II. And, in hind sight, I am glad because I've learned a lot. Actually, due to the intensity of the class (3 hours every other day), I'm certainly not absorbing 100% (maybe 50%?). At this point, I have 2 more weeks then I'm done (April 17). We've covered in 14 weeks (level I & II) of Greek what most people would study in 2 years. Now, comes the time to let some of this soak in, use some of it in everyday life. It's my hope, one day, to be able to speak the language, but that seems along way off right now. But, of course, Rome wasn't built in a day and the Greek language won't be conquered in 14 weeks. So, patience will be needed.
In my 2 classes, I've met people from all over the world; Ukraine, Holland, Sweden, England, Romania (via California and now in Athens), Germany, Poland and one the other American. And, with the exception of the one American (who is doing ministry work in Athens), all of these people are "lost and blinded" to the TRUTH of Christ and God the Father. So, what am I to do? What light will I be to these "lost" people in my class? Will I stay silent while these men and women are doomed down a path toward destruction? Has God providentially placed me in such a time and place as this?
As it has turned out, God has provided me opportunities to talk privately with several of them over coffee (after class) about Christ, God, creation, salvation, the Gospel and my own personal testimony. It's been amazing because I see God's hand at work when I find myself having coffee with them alone in conversation. So, I take the opportunity to "turn" the conversation toward spiritual matters. In the everyday occurrence of going to language class, God has given me much more to do...that is, to speak about HIM. All I can do is to give them the words of truth and let God do the real work of salvation; to cause the blind man to see.
And, so it is, my Greek class has a bit of a spiritual twist to it. It's what keeps me going back for more...to see who God is going to place in my path.
My prayer has been for God to use me and for God to continue placing people in my path to speak about the hope that I have in Christ.