Monday, May 5, 2008

Bible Study Fellowship Introduced in Athens

After years of praying and months of intense preparations,BSF will finally make it's debut in Athens on Tuesday, May 13! The evening women's class will begin with a five week pilot study of the book of Philippians. Classes will be held at the Second Greek Evangelical Church on Tuesday evenings ( May 13,20,27 and June 3,10).

Current prayer requests include,but are not limited to:
1. Lives will be changed through the study of Philippians.
2. God will provide all qualified leaders still needed.
3. Holy Spirit will continue to draw women to BSF.

Thanks for your continued prayers!

1 comment:

Mardi said...

'Cause I knew your birthday was approaching I went on your site to check out the latest on the Walthalls. Looks like I have some timing as May 13 seems to be an important milestone for your time in Athens--congratulations!

But really commenting to wish Claudia "Happy Birthday!"

I have quietly "lurked" on your blog site over the time you have been abroad. Looks like it has been an adventure--

My best to all, Mardi